A-B-Z Framework: The Right Way to Start

Published Categorized as Success

A-B-Z Framework is a mental model to save you from analysis paralysis while starting new projects or achieving your life goals.

What is your career target?

Building a successful company? Becoming a CEO?

Having a long-term goal for yourself is good. But it might be overwhelming when you start thinking about how to get there.

Too many steps to figure out, and too many unknowns…

With the A-B-Z Framework, you don’t need to know all the steps to achieve your aim.

All you need to know is your A-B-Z:

A-B-Z Framework
A-B-Z Framework
A-B-Z Framework Example

That’s it.

You don’t need to know steps C, D, or E at the beginning. Focusing on them will cause you to procrastinate instead of taking action.

Assess where you are (A), set your direction (Z), and decide on your immediate next step (B). Take that action.

You will figure out the rest along the way.

More A-B-Z Framework Examples

A- You have a social media following and you’d like to build an email list
B- Creating a landing page
Z- Getting 10000 people to your email list

A- You’d like to earn your living as a creator
B- Writing the outline
Z- Creating and selling a course

A- You speak a little Spanish but you’d like to become fluent
B- Enrolling in the Spanish course
Z- Becoming fluent in Spanish

A- You’d like to find a better job
B- Updating your resume
Z- Getting a job offer

A- You look for a change in your life and you’d like to move to Spain
B- Checking visa and residency requirements
Z- Moving to Barcelona

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Idea credit: Shaan Puri.