Personal SWOT Analysis: How To Analyze Your Life Like A CEO

What is Personal SWOT Analysis Personal SWOT Analysis is a framework to analyze your situation in life to make better long-term decisions. Think about it. You’re a one-person company. You have: And if your life resembles a company, it’d make sense to manage your life like a CEO, right? Of course. Now, executives use a…

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Meaning and How to Use It In Your Life

Perfectionism is painful. I can spend weeks perfecting this article. And still, fail to achieve it. In the meantime, I’d procrastinate. Because I’d feel that this is not the best form yet. It can be better. That feeling would keep me away from finishing the work and shipping it. You’ve probably had similar experiences. The…

Jeff Bezos’ Framework For Big Decisions: Regret Minimization Framework

How can you make a big decision when you have a lot to lose? Jeff Bezos found an answer to this question when he was considering leaving his Wall Street career (and a big paycheck) behind to start selling books on this new thing – the internet. While describing his simple mental model to make the decision…

Second-Order Thinking: How To Make Better Decisions In Life

Second-order thinking is a useful mental model to make better decisions in life. First, a story from China will show you why it’s crucial to use second-order thinking for major decisions. Then, you’ll find practical tips on how to apply second-order thinking. Every decision has consequences When Mao Zedong declared war on sparrows with Four Pest Campaign in China,…