What is Antifragility (With A Career Example)

What’s the definition of Antifragility? We know fragile things. They break easily with a little stress and disorder. Antifragile things don’t just resist a shock, damage, or crisis but also thrive under these conditions. It’s a concept developed by Nassim Taleb in his book Antifragile. Let’s look at two examples to see how you can use it in your life: Fragile: Little…

Categorized as Success

Steven Pressfield’s Resistance: A Villain You Have to Fight

Every great story has a villain. The Lord of the Rings has Sauron. Star Wars has Darth Vader. In his book The War of Art, Steven Pressfield created an unusual one. He called it Resistance.   We fight with Resistance every day without knowing. It’s intelligent and silent.   Usually, it shows its face in the form of procrastination.…

Second-Order Thinking: How To Make Better Decisions In Life

Second-order thinking is a useful mental model to make better decisions in life. First, a story from China will show you why it’s crucial to use second-order thinking for major decisions. Then, you’ll find practical tips on how to apply second-order thinking. Every decision has consequences When Mao Zedong declared war on sparrows with Four Pest Campaign in China,…