How To Beat Bigger Competitors: Blitzkrieg

The German army shocked the world when they entered Paris in 1940. On paper, the French army was ready before the invasion. They expected an attack. So they bolstered their defenses for years. They even built the “impregnable” Maginot line, a 280-mile-long fortification. But the Germans defeated the French army in only 6 weeks. How was it possible?…

The Iceberg Model: Solve Business Problems The Right Way

What Is the Iceberg Model? Most people react to problems. They see the apparent reason and look for quick fixes. But in complex systems —like a business— problems usually have deep root causes. Like what? Like the processes, structure, or people’s beliefs. Not fixing these reasons causes issues to occur again and again. And turn…

RICE Scores: A Simple Method For Project Prioritization

“This is done, what’s next?” That’s what you ask yourself after finishing a project. It seems trivial, but it’s the most important question that defines your results over the long term. Why? Well, most people believe productivity is doing a lot. But that’s an illusion. Real productivity comes from doing the work that brings you the best results. So it’s…

Force Field Analysis: Make Big Changes Easier (With Examples)

What is Force Field Analysis Force Field Analysis is a strategic analysis and decision-making method developed by Kurt Lewin. In this article, you’ll find two personal examples to see how you can use Force Field Analysis in your life. Every decision requires a change. Think about it. If you decide to gain muscle; you have…