10x instead of 10% – Exponential Thinking

10% faster, 15% more, 5% less… Our brains think incrementally by default. That’s why many people focus on making things slightly better. You can see it every day. Hiring 10 more employees, spending $10k more on ads, opening one more shop… And the best-case scenario, they get what they planned for: an incremental improvement. But…

Parkinson’s Law Meaning, Examples, and How to Overcome It

Parkinson’s Law means that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. Imagine you have two weeks to complete a project.  How likely would you deliver the task earlier than the deadline? If your answer is not likely, you’re not alone. Because even if the project with a two-week deadline could be finished in three…

Make Your New Year’s Resolutions The Right Way: The 5/25 Rule

Thinking about new year’s resolutions is fun. It is motivating and makes you look forward to the new year. But as the first weeks of the year pass, you get distracted from your goals and the motivation fades. In the blink of an eye, you find yourself thinking about the following year’s resolutions without achieving…

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Meaning and How to Use It In Your Life

Perfectionism is painful. I can spend weeks perfecting this article. And still, fail to achieve it. In the meantime, I’d procrastinate. Because I’d feel that this is not the best form yet. It can be better. That feeling would keep me away from finishing the work and shipping it. You’ve probably had similar experiences. The…

Concorde Fallacy: How to Avoid Making Decisions Like A Losing Gambler

The Concorde fallacy is a mental bias where people continue spending resources (money, time, or effort) on failing projects because of a prior commitment. Let’s see the story of Concorde and how a fallacy was named after it. Concorde was an impressive aircraft. It had an elegant design, with a maximum speed over twice the…

What Is Argumentum Ad Populum (And How To Question It)

Argumentum ad populum (Latin for “appeal to the people”) is a fallacy when people accept what is popular as true without logical reasoning. We live in a world of arguments. Some arguments shape how we make decisions and how we live without us realizing it. Especially when the majority accepts one as the norm. A…

Via Negativa: Steve Jobs’ Favorite Mental Model For Problem-Solving

Via negativa is a mental model that looks for solutions not through addition, but through subtraction. Steve Jobs loved cutting things out. When he returned to Apple as CEO, before creating any new product, he killed dozens of existing products. And focused the company on what it does best. Later on, he made one of the…